Medical Facility Subscriptions
Medical Facility Subscriptions
Unlimited Views for Unlimited Patients for a small, monthly subscription!

Brave Me seeks to empower kids all over the world to be better prepared for medical procedures or to better understand medical conditions. To advance our mission, we will be offering monthly subscription services to institutions across the medical field. By subscribing to the Brave Me library of educational videos, you can provide access on an unlimited basis to any child that enters your doors. Subscription information will be emailed to you after submitting the form below. The following subscriptions are available:
With hundreds of patients receiving treatment on a daily basis at many hospitals, there is currently a void in modern educational materials to help pediatric patients. By offering Brave Me videos within your hospital, children and their families will turn knowledge into courage by watching a video on the medical situation they are facing. For a family who is hearing a diagnosis for the first time, being able to see our main character Riley travel to Medical Mountain, Emotion Ocean and Courage Canyon gives them a deeper understanding of what lies ahead. In addition, we can take the scare out of medical care for pediatric patients facing a procedure such as an MRI or an X-ray. After watching Brave Me videos, children typically have their fear reduced by over 75%. In learning exactly what to expect from their procedure, your hospital will not only provide an overall better patient experience, but also will save costs from children delaying a procedure due to fear or having to do expensive retakes when children don’t stay still. These Brave Me videos will allow you to provide a valuable service to your smallest patients and boost their bravery to the highest possible levels.
When a child arrives at your imaging center, they may have themselves already worked into a frenzy upon hearing scary words such as MRI, X-ray, procedure, etc. Every child deserves to be told exactly what they can expect in order to prepare for their procedure in an effective way. Brave Me videos will do wonders for these small patients as they explain MRIs and X-rays through an entertaining narrative and rich animation. Your imaging center can even email a family the Brave Me video in advance so that they can watch it as many times as they’d like pre-procedure. Or on the day of procedure you can show Brave Me videos to arriving patients to make sure the knowledge about the procedure is fresh, which also gives them a way to calm their nerves as they wait. Either way, children benefit dramatically by viewing a Brave Me video. Not only were their fears reduced over 75%, but expensive retakes will be reduced dramatically as well when patients are prepared. Kids will know how important it is to be still and be ready for the process in a very thorough way. Brave Me videos will lead to a better patient experience and save your center money by avoiding delays and retakes.
As a pediatrician, you are always striving to provide the best care to your patients. With time being such a precious resource, Brave Me videos offer you a chance to help your patients learn more about the medical situations they are facing through rich storytelling and animation. For a patient that needs to rush to an X-ray or an MRI, Brave Me videos on those procedures will help them learn exactly what to expect and feel much calmer when they arrive. For patients and their families who are hearing a diagnosis of asthma or diabetes for the first time, they struggle with what it means to them and their daily life. By offering Brave Me videos to your patients, they will be able to visit Medical Mountain, Emotion Ocean and Courage Canyon with our main character – a dog named Riley. Not only will they have a deeper understanding of what’s happening inside their bodies, but they will also feel empowered as our videos help them with their emotional well-being after a diagnosis too. Children benefit greatly from the knowledge provided through Brave Me videos, some reporting their own sense of strength improving by 75%. Connecting your patients to Brave Me videos will not only boost your patient experience and their loyalty, but also afford you the chance to better serve the families in your community.
We look forward to contacting you with all the details upon receipt of the contact information below. Thank you!