Brave Me Kid of the Week
November 20 - 27, 2019

Even though she’s only eight, Ariana has a powerful strength that helps her handle life with Type 1 diabetes courageously. She looks forward to going to diabetes camp in the summer where she can do art, go swimming and have a blast on the playground. She said it’s awesome to be with kids who truly understand what life with diabetes is like but she also loves the chance to teach other kids about diabetes as she does so well in the Brave Me video for Type 1. Her best friend Aliyah lives with T1D too, though they bond and laugh together about many wonderful things and are definitely two adorable peas in a pod. Ariana – you remind Brave Me of the saying “Though she may be little, she is fierce!” Your quiet bravery amazes us 😍
"When I grow up, I really want to be a chef and cook healthy meals. You get to learn more about math because you have to measure the right amounts of the ingredients to make it just right. I love to cook with my family and make grits and eggs with my Dad. The bravest person I know is my friend Aliyah! When I’m feeling down, I like to cuddle with my stuffed bear Rufus. He’s been with me over four years.”